Ingsa’s 10th Anniversary: Bridging the Gap between Science and Policy in Rwanda

Creating diverse perspectives in science advice – Research Professional News

The International Network for Government Science Advice, Ingsa, is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a conference in Rwanda. As the president of Ingsa, Rémi Quirion sat down with RPN to discuss the upcoming event. During the conference, attendees will reflect on the achievements of the past decade and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Ingsa has played a crucial role in connecting policymakers, scientists, and researchers to ensure evidence-based decision-making in government. This conference marks a significant milestone for the organization as it takes place in a Global South country, with a particular focus on the importance of science advice in developing countries.

Quirion expressed his excitement at bringing together experts from around the world to collaborate and share their knowledge and experiences. The conference promises to be an excellent platform for meaningful discussions and networking opportunities for all those involved in the field of government science advice.

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